index - Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems

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Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems
Mike Hinchey, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann, Peter Lindsay, Franz J. Rammig, Jon Timmis, Marilyn Wolf
Front Matter

Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES 2010)

Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems : Preface
Marylyn Wolf, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann

Opening and Keynote

Safety, Efficiency and Autonomy - Mastering Conflicting Trends in Embedded Systems Design
Rolf Ernst

Specification and Modeling

Rialto 2.0: A Language for Heterogeneous Computations
Johan Lilius, Andreas Dahlin, Lionel Morel
Scenario-Based Modeling in Industrial Information Systems
Ricardo J. Machado, João M. Fernandes, João P. Barros, Luís Gomes
An Entirely Model-Based Framework for Hardware Design and Simulation
Safouan Taha, Ansgar Radermacher, Sébastien Gérard
Extending the Standard Execution Model of UML for Real-Time Systems
Abderraouf Benyahia, Arnaud Cuccuru, Safouan Taha, François Terrier, Frédéric Boulanger, Sébastien Gérard

Fault Tolerance

Task Migration for Fault-Tolerant FlexRay Networks
Kay Klobedanz, Gilles B. Defo, Henning Zabel, Wolfgang Mueller, Yuan Zhi
Flexible and Dynamic Replication Control for Interdependent Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
Luís Nogueira, Luís Miguel Pinho, Jorge Coelho

Verification and Validation

Generation of Executable Testbenches from Natural Language Requirement Specifications for Embedded Real-Time Systems
Wolfgang Mueller, Alexander Bol, Alexander Krupp, Ola Lundkvist
Model Checking of Concurrent Algorithms: From Java to C
Cyrille Artho, Masami Hagiya, Watcharin Leungwattanakit, Yoshinori Tanabe, Mitsuharu Yamamoto
Integrate Online Model Checking into Distributed Reconfigurable System on Chip with Adaptable OS Services
Sufyan Samara, Yuhong Zhao, Franz J. Rammig
Efficient Mutation-Analysis Coverage for Constrained Random Verification
Tao Xie, Wolfgang Mueller, Florian Letombe

Code-Generation, Simulation and Timing Analysis

Generating VHDL source code from UML models of embedded systems
Tomas G. Moreira, Marco A. Wehrmeister, Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Jean-François Pétin, Eric Levrat
RACE: A Rapid, ArChitectural Simulation and Synthesis Framework for Embedded Processors
Roshan Ragel, Angelo Ambrose, Jorgen Peddersen, Sri Parameswaran
A Mixed Level Simulation Environment for Stepwise RTOS Software Refinement
Markus Becker, Henning Zabel, Wolfgang Mueller
Global Best-Case Response Time for Improving the Worst-Case Response Times in Distributed Real-Time Systems
Steffen Kollmann, Victor Pollex, Frank Slomka

Distributed Architectures and Design Support

Dependency-Driven Distribution of Synchronous Programs
Daniel Baudisch, Jens Brandt, Klaus Schneider
Distributed Resource-Aware Scheduling for Multi-core Architectures with SystemC
Philipp A. Hartmann, Kim Grüttner, Achim Rettberg, Ina Podolski
Robust Partitioned Scheduling for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems
Frédéric Fauberteau, Serge Midonnet, Laurent George
An Infrastructure for Flexible Runtime Reconfigurable Multi-Microcontroller Systems
Claudius Stern, Philipp Adelt, Matthias Schmitz, Lisa Kleinjohann, Bernd Kleinjohann

Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing (BICC 2010)

Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing (BICC 2010) : Preface
Peter A. Lindsay, Franz J. Rammig, Jon Timmis

Ants and Adaptive Systems

Model Checking the Ant Colony Optimisation
Lucio Mauro Duarte, Luciana Foss, Flávio Rech Wagner, Tales Heimfarth
Feature Selection for Classification Using an Ant System Approach
Nadia Abd-Alsabour
Novelty-Aware Attack Recognition - Intrusion Detection with Organic Computing Techniques
Dominik Fisch, Ferdinand Kastl, Bernhard Sick
Evolutionary-Computation Based Risk Assessment of Aircraft Landing Sequencing Algorithms
Wenjing Zhao, Jiangjun Tang, Sameer Alam, Axel Bender, Hussein A. Abbass

Learning Classifier Systems and Collaborative Systems

A Collaborative Decision Support Model for Marine Safety and Security Operations
Uwe Glässer, Piper Jackson, Ali Khalili Araghi, Hans Wehn, Hamed Yaghoubi Shahir
Combining Software and Hardware LCS for Lightweight On-Chip Learning
Andreas Bernauer, Johannes Zeppenfeld, Oliver Bringmann, Andreas Herkersdorf, Wolfgang Rosenstiel
Collaborating and Learning Predators on a Pursuit Scenario
Nugroho Fredivianus, Urban Richter, Hartmut Schmeck
SelSta - A Biologically Inspired Approach for Self-Stabilizing Humanoid Robot Walking
Bojan Jakimovski, Michael Kotke, Martin Hörenz, Erik Maehle