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Table of Contents
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011 (Part II)
Pedro Campos, Nicholas Graham, Joaquim Jorge, Nuno Nunes, Philippe Palanque, Marco Winckler
Front Matter

Long and Short Papers

Health I

Finding the Right Way for Interrupting People Improving Their Sitting Posture
Sabine Gross, Gerold Schossleitner, Andreas Schrempf, Hideaki Nii, Maki Sugimoto, Masahiko Inami, Michael Haller, Christoph Richter, Peter Brandl
Exploring Haptic Feedback in Exergames
Tadeusz Stach, T. Graham
Identifying Barriers to Effective User Interaction with Rehabilitation Tools in the Home
Stephen Uzor, Lynne Baillie, Dawn Skelton, Fiona Fairlie
Clinical Validation of a Virtual Environment Test for Safe Street Crossing in the Assessment of Acquired Brain Injury Patients with and without Neglect
Patricia Mesa-Gresa, Jose Lozano, Roberto Llórens, Mariano Alcañiz, María Navarro, Enrique Noé

Health II

Smart Homes or Smart Occupants? Supporting Aware Living in the Home
Lyn Bartram, Johnny Rodgers, Rob Woodbury
Input Devices in Mental Health Applications: Steering Performance in a Virtual Reality Paths with WiiMote
Maja Wrzesien, María Rupérez, Mariano Alcañiz
‘Acted Reality’ in Electronic Patient Record Research: A Bridge between Laboratory and Ethnographic Studies
Lesley Axelrod, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Flis Henwood, Liz Thackray, Becky Simpson, Amanda Nicholson, Helen Smith, Greta Rait, Jackie Cassell
Exercise Support System for Elderly: Multi-sensor Physiological State Detection and Usability Testing
Jan Macek, Jan Kleindienst

Human Factors I

Estimating the Perceived Difficulty of Pen Gestures
Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Daniel Vogel, Géry Casiez, Laurent Grisoni
On the Limits of the Human Motor Control Precision: The Search for a Device’s Human Resolution
François Bérard, Guangyu Wang, Jeremy Cooperstock
Three around a Table: The Facilitator Role in a Co-located Interface for Social Competence Training of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Massimo Zancanaro, Leonardo Giusti, Eynat Gal, Patrice Weiss

Human Factors II

Moving Target Selection in 2D Graphical User Interfaces
Abir Hajri, Sidney Fels, Gregor Miller, Michael Ilich
Navigational User Interface Elements on the Left Side: Intuition of Designers or Experimental Evidence?
Andreas Holzinger, Reinhold Scherer, Martina Ziefle
Pupillary Response Based Cognitive Workload Measurement under Luminance Changes
Jie Xu, Yang Wang, Fang Chen, Eric Choi
Study on the Usability of a Haptic Menu for 3D Interaction
Giandomenico Caruso, Elia Gatti, Monica Bordegoni

Interacting in Public Spaces

Balancing Act: Enabling Public Engagement with Sustainability Issues through a Multi-touch Tabletop Collaborative Game
Alissa Antle, Joshua Tanenbaum, Allen Bevans, Katie Seaborn, Sijie Wang
Understanding the Dynamics of Engaging Interaction in Public Spaces
Peter Dalsgaard, Christian Dindler, Kim Halskov
Transferring Human-Human Interaction Studies to HRI Scenarios in Public Space
Astrid Weiss, Nicole Mirnig, Roland Buchner, Florian Förster, Manfred Tscheligi

Interacting with Displays

Comparing Free Hand Menu Techniques for Distant Displays Using Linear, Marking and Finger-Count Menus
Gilles Bailly, Robert Walter, Jörg Müller, Tongyan Ning, Eric Lecolinet
Design and Evaluation of an Ambient Display to Support Time Management during Meetings
Valentina Occhialini, Harm Essen, Berry Eggen
Does Panel Type Matter for LCD Monitors? A Study Examining the Effects of S-IPS, S-PVA, and TN Panels in Video Gaming and Movie Viewing
Ki Kim, S. Sundar
ModControl – Mobile Phones as a Versatile Interaction Device for Large Screen Applications
Matthias Deller, Achim Ebert

Interaction Design for Developing Regions

A New Visualization Approach to Re-Contextualize Indigenous Knowledge in Rural Africa
Kasper Rodil, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Nicola Bidwell, Søren Eskildsen, Matthias Rehm, Gereon Kapuire
Design Opportunities for Supporting Treatment of People Living with HIV / AIDS in India
Anirudha Joshi, Mandar Rane, Debjani Roy, Shweta Sali, Neha Bharshankar, N. Kumarasamy, Sanjay Pujari, Davidson Solomon, H. Sharma, D. Saple, Romain Rutten, Aakash Ganju, Joris Dam
In Class Adoption of Multimedia Mobile Phones by Gender - Results from a Field Study
Elba C. Valderrama-Bahamondez, Jarmo Kauko, Jonna Häkkilä, Albrecht Schmidt

Interface Design

Scenarchitectures: The Use of Domain-Specific Architectures to Bridge Design and Implementation
Nicholas Graham, Emmanuel Dubois, Christophe Bortolaso, Christopher Wolfe
Pattern Tool Support to Guide Interface Design
Russell Beale, Behzad Bordbar
Meerkat and Tuba: Design Alternatives for Randomness, Surprise and Serendipity in Reminiscing
John Helmes, Kenton O’hara, Nicolas Vilar, Alex Taylor

International and Cultural Aspects of HCI

Culture and Facial Expressions: A Case Study with a Speech Interface
Beant Dhillon, Rafal Kocielnik, Ioannis Politis, Marc Swerts, Dalila Szostak
Equality = Inequality: Probing Equality-Centric Design and Development Methodologies
Rilla Khaled
e-Rural: A Framework to Generate Hyperdocuments for Milk Producers with Different Levels of Literacy to Promote Better Quality Milking
Vanessa Magalhaes, Junia Anacleto, André Bueno, Marcos Silva, Sidney Fels, Fernando Balbino
Designing Interactive Storytelling: A Virtual Environment for Personal Experience Narratives
Ilda Ladeira, Gary Marsden, Lesley Green

Interruptions and Attention

Choosing your Moment: Interruptions in Multimedia Annotation
Christopher Bowers, Will Byrne, Benjamin Cowan, Chris Creed, Robert Hendley, Russell Beale
Attention and Intention Goals Can Mediate Disruption in Human-Computer Interaction
Ernesto Arroyo, Ted Selker
Again?!! The Emotional Experience of Social Notification Interruptions
Celeste Paul, Anita Komlodi, Wayne Lutters
Do Not Disturb: Physical Interfaces for Parallel Peripheral Interactions
Fernando Olivera, Manuel García-Herranz, Pablo Haya, Pablo Llinás

Mobile Interfaces

Information to Go: Exploring In-Situ Information Pick-Up “In the Wild”
Hannu Kukka, Fabio Kruger, Vassilis Kostakos, Timo Ojala, Marko Jurmu
IntelliTilt: An Enhanced Tilt Interaction Technique for Mobile Map-Based Applications
Bradley Tonder, Janet Wesson
Tensions in Developing a Secure Collective Information Practice - The Case of Agile Ridesharing
Kenneth Radke, Margot Brereton, Seyed Mirisaee, Sunil Ghelawat, Colin Boyd, Juan Nieto
Choose Popovers over Buttons for iPad Questionnaires
Kevin Gaunt, Felix Schmitz, Markus Stolze

Multi-Modal Interfaces

Developing and Evaluating a Non-Visual Memory Game
Ravi Kuber, Matthew Tretter, Emma Murphy
Playing with Tactile Feedback Latency in Touchscreen Interaction: Two Approaches
Topi Kaaresoja, Eve Hoggan, Emilia Anttila
The Role of Modality in Notification Performance
David Warnock, Marilyn Mcgee-Lennon, Stephen Brewster

Multi-User Interaction / Cooperation

Co-located Collaborative Sensemaking on a Large High-Resolution Display with Multiple Input Devices
Katherine Vogt, Lauren Bradel, Christopher Andrews, Chris North, Alex Endert, Duke Hutchings
Exploring How Tangible Tools Enable Collaboration in a Multi-touch Tabletop Game
Tess Speelpenning, Alissa Antle, Tanja Doering, Elise Hoven
Hidden Details of Negotiation: The Mechanics of Reality-Based Collaboration in Information Seeking
Mathias Heilig, Stephan Huber, Jens Gerken, Mischa Demarmels, Katrin Allmendinger, Harald Reiterer

Navigation and Wayfinding

A Tactile Compass for Eyes-Free Pedestrian Navigation
Martin Pielot, Benjamin Poppinga, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll
Are We There Yet? A Probing Study to Inform Design for the Rear Seat of Family Cars
David Wilfinger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Martin Murer, Sebastian Osswald, Manfred Tscheligi
Don’t Look at Me, I’m Talking to You: Investigating Input and Output Modalities for In-Vehicle Systems
Lars Christiansen, Nikolaj Frederiksen, Brit Jensen, Alex Ranch, Mikael Skov, Nissanthen Thiruravichandran



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