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Technological Innovation for Industry and Service Systems
Luis Camarinha-Matos, Ricardo Almeida, José Oliveira
Front Matter

Collaborative Systems

A Model to Assess Collaboration Performance in a Collaborative Business Ecosystem
Paula Graça, Luis Camarinha-Matos, Filipa Ferrada
Organizational Structure for Mass Collaboration and Learning
Majid Zamiri, Luis Camarinha-Matos
Emerging Community Energy Ecosystems: Analysis of Organizational and Governance Structures of Selected Representative Cases
Kankam Adu-Kankam, Luis Camarinha-Matos

Collaboration and Resilient Systems

Novel Approaches to Handle Disruptions in Business Ecosystems
Javaneh Ramezani, Luis Camarinha-Matos
Proposing a Risk Management Model in Construction of Combined-Cycle Power Plant Projects
Shakib Zohrehvandi, Alexandra Tenera
voteChain: Community Based Scalable Internet Voting Framework
Ricardo Almeida, Laura Ricci, Luis Camarinha-Matos

Decision Systems

UAV Downwash-Based Terrain Classification Using Wiener-Khinchin and EMD Filters
João Matos-Carvalho, André Mora, Raúl Rato, Ricardo Mendonça, José Fonseca
A Markov Process-Based Approach for Reliability Evaluation of the Propulsion System in Multi-rotor Drones
Koorosh Aslansefat, Francisco Marques, Ricardo Mendonça, José Barata
A New Approach for Crop Rotation Problem in Farming 4.0
Bruno Miranda, Akebo Yamakami, Priscila Rampazzo

Optimization Systems

Application of Monte Carlo Methods in Probability-Based Dynamic Line Rating Models
Levente Rácz, Dávid Szabó, Gábor Göcsei, Bálint Németh
Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes on Operational Lean Programs Management Improvement: An Energy Producer Company Case
Margarida Gaspar, Luis Cristovão, Alexandra Tenera
Dynamic Search Tree Growth Algorithm for Global Optimization
Ivana Strumberger, Eva Tuba, Miodrag Zivkovic, Nebojsa Bacanin, Marko Beko, Milan Tuba

Assistive Systems

Intelligent HCI Device for Assistive Technology
Rui Antunes, Luís Palma, Hermínio Duarte-Ramos, Paulo Gil
Real-Time Human Body Pose Estimation for In-Car Depth Images
Helena Torres, Bruno Oliveira, Jaime Fonseca, Sandro Queirós, João Borges, Nélson Rodrigues, Victor Coelho, Johannes Pallauf, José Brito, José Mendes
Treatment of Ventricular Assist Device Test Bench Data for Prediction of Failures and Improved Intrinsic Reliability
Jeferson Dias, Jônatas Dias, Edinei Legaspe, Rodrigo Stoeterau, Fabrício Junqueira, Newton Maruyama, Lucas Moscato, Paulo Miyagi, Diolino Filho

Smart Environments

Basis for an Approach to Design Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems
Artem Nazarenko, Luis Camarinha-Matos
A Group Evacuation Method for Smart Buildings
Qasim Khalid, Alberto Fernández, Marin Lujak, Arnaud Doniec
Optimized Electrification of Subsea Oil & Gas Infrastructures Based in Genetic Algorithm
Tiago Antunes, Rui Castro, P. Santos, A. Pires, Matthias Foehr

Smart Manufacturing

Production Scheduling Requirements to Smart Manufacturing
Duarte Alemão, André Rocha, José Barata
Open Modular Components in the Industry Using vf-OS Components
Joao Giao, João Sarraipa, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Big Data on Machine to Machine Integration’s Requirement Analysis Within Industry 4.0
Fabrício Junqueira, Paulo Miyagi, Felipe Coda, Rafael Salles, Henrique Vitoi, Marcosiris Pessoa, Lucas Moscato, Diolino Santos Filho

Water Monitoring Systems

Artificial Neural Networks Application to Support Plant Operation in the Wastewater Industry
Ivan Pisa, Ramon Vilanova, Ignacio Santín, Jose Vicario, Antoni Morell
Towards a Practical and Cost-Effective Water Monitoring System
João Marques, Brígida Lopes, Carlos Ferreira, Henrique Pinho, Manuel Barros, Pedro Granchinho, Pedro Neves
Smart Cities: Non Destructive Approach for Water Leakage Detection
Lucas Monteiro, Felipe Crispim da Rocha Salvagnini, Edinei Legaspe, Sidney Montebeller, Andréa Braga Vieira Rodrigues, Fernando Garcia Deluno, Diolino Santos Filho

Communication Systems

Energy Efficient Massive MIMO Point-to-Point Communications with Physical Layer Security: BPSK vs QPSK Decomposition
David Borges, Paulo Montezuma, Rui Dinis, Pedro Viegas
V-GRADIENT: A Density-Aware Geocast Routing Protocol for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks
Henrique Nascimento, Paulo Pereira
Simulation of an Early Warning Fire System
Paulo Lourenço, Alessandro Fantoni, Manuela Vieira

Energy Markets

Integration of Renewable Energy in Markets: Analysis of Key European and American Electricity Markets
Hugo Algarvio, Fernando Lopes, João Santana
A New Approach to Provide Sustainable Solutions for Residential Sector
Ricardo Santos, João Matias, António Abreu
Electric Vehicles Aggregation in Market Environment: A Stochastic Grid-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Grid Management
Isaias Gomes, Rui Melicio, Victor Mendes

Energy Control

Integrated System for Traction and Battery Charging of Electric Vehicles with Universal Interface to the Power Grid
Tiago Sousa, Vítor Monteiro, João Afonso
Auxiliary Digital Control Unit for Capacitor Banks
Patrícia Nunes, Mafalda Seixas, Rui Melicio, Victor Mendes
Modeling and Simulation of PV Panel Under Different Internal and Environmental Conditions with Non-constant Load
Masud Rashel, Rui Melicio, Mouhaydine Tlemcani, Teresa Goncalves

Power Systems

Effect of Combined Stresses on the Electrical Properties of Low Voltage Nuclear Power Plant Cables
Ramy Afia, Tamus Ádám, Ehtasham Mustafa
Thermal Degradation and Condition Monitoring of Low Voltage Power Cables in Nuclear Power Industry
Ehtasham Mustafa, Tamus Ádám, Ramy Afia, Angel Asipuela
Novel Design of the Converter for an Active UPS Application Based on Marx Modulator Concept with Supercapacitors
Celso Pestana, Hiren Canacsinh, Miguel Chaves, Paulo Gamboa, Armando Cordeiro, Ricardo Luís, Ana Martins, Luís Encarnação, Fernando Pereira, José Silva, Nuno Santos
Correction to: Integration of Renewable Energy in Markets: Analysis of Key European and American Electricity Markets
Hugo Algarvio, Fernando Lopes, João Santana


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